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  • Nationality: Taiwan
  • Gender: Female
  • Type: Student
  • Place of Study: Alexander Academy
  • Campus: Downtown
  • Needs From: 20 Sep 2024
  • Needs To: 20 Oct 2024
  • Meals Required: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Needs Internet: Yes
  • Smokes?: No
  • Needs Airport Pickup?: Yes
  • Okay with Pets: Yes
Hi: I am Sonia. Are you still have a suite ?I am looking for a large space of room
for my son Ryan who is 17. His school is Alexander Academy which is in downtown.
I have several questions below:
Could I know exactly about your address? I want to know how can he go to school and how long does he need to take bus to school?
How many international guests are there in your homestay?
Do you offer meals?
I am looking forward to your reply! Thanks!


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